When UNA St Ives was acquired in 2016, it had planning permission in place for c.120 villas and adjoining leisure assets. However, UNA’s new management team believed that this development plan did not fully utilise the site, and decided that it was in the best interests of UNA and the local economy to re-design the site and apply for updated planning permission.
During 2017, the management team worked hard towards a positive outcome, engaging with Dyer Architects and the local community to ensure that they had the ability to raise any concerns they had about the development. The re-evaluation proved positive and on 8th February 2018 a major milestone was reached with the conditional planning permission for the updated plans being granted. This permission allows the construction of a 42-unit apartment-hotel, up to 92 holiday villas in addition to the 29 villas already constructed, and enhanced ancillary leisure facilities.
The management team are extremely pleased with the outcome and believe the new development will not only create a highly successful luxury leisure company, but will also provide more services for the local community and added benefits to the local economy